May 30, 2013

illustrations time management

Here are two illustrations I've made from a series about time management.
Using the good old circus techniques as an inspiration :-)

May 27, 2013

illustrations for presentation

These are some of the illustrations of a series
I have made for a presentation about software building blocks.

May 20, 2013

my mom's geranium

Today it's 3 years ago my mom passed away...

The day she died, there was a geranium on her table in her garden.
I took this plant with me, to take care of it.

The year after we took slips from it and now we have a whole bunch of geraniums.

Some of my brothers and sisters also have some slips,
and they are making new ones too...

So my mom is still alive in our memories and in her geranium(s)...

Here you can see my mom when she was young. It's the girl on the right side
I love this photo. Her and her friend's enthusiasm, their clothes and their attitude. :-)

Last year I wrote another blogpost about her: far away, but still near

And the year before I posted this one: to honour my mom

May 15, 2013

moon serenade for SMART exhibition

I made 'moon serenade' for the SMART exhibition
at Light Grey Art Lab in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA).
The exhibition is from Friday May 17th until June 7th.

'The SMART exhibition is a collection of clever, thoughtful,
and whimsical artwork' (yes, that's what they say ;-))
made by 35 international artists.

If you like, you can order moon serenade here

May 8, 2013

moustache twins

moustache twins now available as postcard

Because twins and moustaches inspire me,
I've made these moustache twins

Now available as postcard in the Red Cheeks Factory shop

May 5, 2013

IF: tribute

A tribute to Penelope Dullaghan.

About ten years ago Penelope started illustration friday:
a weekly illustration challenge around a theme.

At first only a few illustrators were joining,
but in these ten years it grew out to a huge illustration community.
An inspiring blog, artist interviews and ofcourse the weekly challenge.
I have submitted many illustrations, the themes are often inspring.

Now Penelope has decided to focus on other things
She will leave Illustration Friday, but the I.F will continue
Thank you Penelope for all the inspiration and good luck in the future!

This dancing elephant is now available as postcard in my shop

May 2, 2013

inspiration: Annie M.G.Schmidt & Fiep Westendorp

I just read this book: Tow-Truck Pluck.
Originally it is written in Dutch with the title: Pluk van de Petteflet
It's funny to see how they translate it :-)

Written by Annie M.G Schmidt and Fiep Westendorp made the illustrations

This was a very famous and successful duo here in Holland.
They have worked together for a very long time.
Lots of books have come from their hand and are translated in many languages

Annie's writing style and Fiep's illustrations are funny with a lot of fantasy
It was a golden duo and I'm a big fan of them.