Oct 20, 2019

Frankurter Buchmesse

'Oooooooh!' I shouted out loud yesterday morning when I opened my mailbox. My publisher Michael Neugebauer had send me some photos from their booth on the Frankfurter Buchmesse.

A huge banner with my animals on it from my newest book 'Von Anni Alligator bis Zeno Zebra'. What an honour!And what a nice surprise!!

Earlier tis year they also chose my animals on the cover of their Autumn brochure:

And they made a big A2 poster with my animals on it.I feel blessed, lucky and happy wit such a publisher.The book is available in the German Bookstores, but also on Amazon.

Oct 19, 2019

New book: 'Von Anni Alligator bis Zeno Zebra'

It is here! My animal book: Von Anni Alligator bis Zeno Zebra'
Published by minedition (in German).

I met Michael Neugebauer, the publisher of minedition this Spring at the Bologna Bookfair and showed him my work. He immediatly was enthusiastic and wanted to make a book with me. And here it is! :-)

I'm really happy with the collaboration and the result!

They are thinking about an English version too! I hope this will come true!

Oct 4, 2019

Circus Luna

And finally it is here! My new Children's Picture Book!

Last week the postman ( I love hoim ;-)) brought a box with my books. Always a superexcited moment! How will it look like? The colors, the size? Till then I've only seen it in a pdf on my screen ...

... and then ... I finally hold it in my hands. I feel it and I smell it. My book! Thanks to my Publisher De Eenhoorn. and their designer Dries Desseyn who did a great job! I'm very happy with it! I think I would buy it, when I hadn't made it myself, so that's a good sign!

The story is about Luna, who's going on a journey with the moon and she has a wonderful time in the circus. As you maybe know I love the circus theme. Long time I was a theater performer, using all kind of circus techniques. :-)

The book is available in the Dutch and Belgian bookstores and on the website of De Eenhoorn. I really hope that one day it will be translated in English ... It is not much text, but that would be great!

And then the postman brought anóther book ...!
I will post about that soon. Have a nice weekend!!