May 20, 2020

In Memori-Mam 10

Today already ten years ago  my Mam suddenly passed away. Each year after that day I make a special in Memori-Mam here on my blog.

When she died we took her last geranium with us and took care of it. Every year we split the plants, so they become more and more  We take them inside in the winter, make new little plants out of them and bring them outside to our Summerhouse in the Spring, so we have each Summer a fantastic red flower field. It has grown to quite a project, but it is such a nice way to honour and think of my Mam!:-)

The photo on the swing is one of the last photo's taken from her.
(She got this swing for het 80th birthday)This year she would have been 90 ...

Below you can find the other nine In Memori-Mams I made:
The first year  I posted this blogpost: to honour my mom
(including some funny animations my mother made)

The second year I wrote another blogpost about her: far away, but still near 

The third year I wrote about her geranium

And the fourth year I wrote:  In memori-mam, thinking of you...

The fifth year I posted 85 geraniums

The sixth year I wrote:In Memori-Mam 6

 The seventh year I wrote:In Memori-Mam 7

The eighth year I wrote:In Memori-Mam Geranium Art

And last year I made this post Still Blooming

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Love that picture. What a treasure to hold. Your artwork is tremendous by the way! I landed on your blog via Carla Sonheim’s site. Blessings to you!