Dec 30, 2012

T-shirt design competition

Recently I was asked to join the Wolf T-shirt design competition

Normally I'm not a big fan of competitions, but I found this a nice challenge:
Make a design in only two colors for a children's T-shirt.
It was interesting to integrate the color of the T-shirt in the design
And make it three colored this way :-)

Here's the link to the Muscle Man
You could vote for him, if you like him... ;-)

Here's the link to Little Red Cat
Of course she like votes too :-)
Thanks in advance!

You can still send in your your entries till the 1th of January

Dec 28, 2012

inspiration: Klaas Gubbels

I'm reading a book about life and work of Klaas Gubbels,
a famous Dutch artist. His work fascinates me.

Especially the fact he paints the same subjects
(mostly tables and coffeepots) over and over again
and makes so many variations on this theme.

...doing more with less...

Here you can find a little interview
about his way of working and inspirations.

Dec 25, 2012

Mèèèèrry Christmas

I wish you all a vèèèèry mèèèèrry Christmas!
Although it's not white, I hope it will be warm ;-)

Dec 18, 2012

inspiration: various artists 12

Another post in the series: various artists.
I love the looseness and the freedom in the work of the following artists.

from left to right:
Elise Wilk
Katherine Streeter
Sarah Evans
Karlee Rawkins

Dec 11, 2012

inspiration: Maira Kalman

I love the work of Maira Kalman, a very inspiring illustrator.
She makes whymsical narrative illustrations: "I want everything I do
to be connected in an absurd, funny way".

These are two books I've bought some time ago:
varous illuminations and the principles of uncertainty.

Here you can find her TED talk:
Maira Kalman, the illustrated woman.
Have an inspiring day :-)

Dec 9, 2012

101 kerstkaarten - countdown

In Holland we have the "101 kerstkaarten - countdown"
organized by Dutch Magazine: 101 woonideeën

From now till christmas every day various christmas cards
from Dutch designers / illustrators will be published on their blog.

Today my christmas cards: angel Billy and Milly are on :-)
including a link to my shop . I'm ready for the orders ;-)

You can also find the growing collection
of the christmas cards countdown on pinterest

angel Milly and other christmascards are also featured
on the Zo wie So blog

May your wishes come true... :-)

Dec 6, 2012

yoga cards in yoga studios

Four or five times a week I start my day
with a bikram yoga class. It's a good beginning!

It inspired me to make these yogacards. I wrote about them before
Not that I can do these postures, by far not, but at least I can try... ;-)
Or let me inspire by the quotes...

Here's the NEWS: these cards are now
also sold in the bikram yoga studio's Rotterdam and Den Haag.

I searched for nice display racks, the cards fit exactly.
of course the yoga inspiration cards are also still available in my shop

Dec 5, 2012


today we celebrate In Holland Sinterklaas
It's an old dutch tradition. He comes with his horse on the roofs
and brings lots of presents to the dutch children.

Read more about this tradition here

Dec 2, 2012

Art Diary / Kunstagenda 2013

Since I opened my shop, I have to learn many new things
for example: product photography
How to make attractive photos of the products.

These are new photos of the Art Diary / Kunstagenda 2013

I often hear: "your products look nicer in real than online".
Of course this is a nice compliment and it is better this way
than the other way around, but I wanna improve these skills too!

If you wanna see the difference, between the photos I took before
and these new ones, have a look here
I know they are still far from perfect, but it's improving :-)

As said the Art Diary looks better in real. There are
only a few copies left in the Red Cheeks Factory shop
So, if you wanna see it yourself, it might be a nice christmas gift... ;-)