Mar 20, 2015

portfolio update

This week I've updated my website. I've added some new work. I also added a whole new projects section about the book 'stil verwateren'  I have made with author / poet Geert De Kockere. It's almost ready now. They expect it the 3d of April! How exciting :-)

Here is an illustration I made for the book:

And another one. It goes along with haiku's in Dutch.

I've added a whole bunch of them to my website under the menu item projects
So if you are curious, have a go ;-)

Je kunt nog steeds voorintekenen op het boek, dan krijg je een geisgneerd exemplaar en een cadeautje.


Jan said...

prachtige platen!

Siggadisart said...

Love your drawing, they make me smile :)