Aug 26, 2011

little red ridinghood and the seven wolves

What a coincidence! This weeks theme of illustration friday is: diguise. It suits so well to my submission for Uncovered Cover Art Blog Contest. There are only a few days left to enter artwork or vote for your favorite re-imagined book covers.

I did join and mixed two fairytailes to one: 'little red ridinghood' and 'the wolf and the seven goats', so it became: little red ridinghood and the seven wolves.

You can vote for your favourite bookcover (there are lots of nice ones!)
Ofcourse I would really appreciate if you vote for mine ;-)
So, if you are in a voting mood: It's possible till the 30th of August.
Thanks in advance!!


Unknown said...

zijn inderdaad hele leuke/mooie bij. Ik ben altijd weer opnieuw verbaasd hoeveel mensen er toch tekenen ;-)
maar...klus geklaard: heb op je gestemd!

nelleke said...

bedankt, Celine! :-)

Anonymous said...

Bravo for entering with your stylish and tasty entry, darling! (I voted for you too!) :-)

gatheringwonder said...


roberto M. said...

Hey! very good this blog, I discovered today and I was a follower, I will often

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

You already know I voted :) I will say again how much I like your book cover. It's great!

Anonymous said...

I already left my vote, your illustration (excellent:)
now you have 29 votes:)
very good your illustration!

deer prudence said...

witty and wonderful.

LuTi said...

ja ja , mijn stemmetje is uitgebracht :)

mamutopia said...

Dat zijn wel de leukste wolven die ik in tijden heb gezien :) Fijne week!

nelleke said...

Thanks a lot for all your votes and nice compliments! Very kind, I almost get red cheeks ;-)

Kerry Schofield said...

Very sweet, love the dancing wolves.

Anonymous said...

very nice:))

carol l mckenna said...

Love your artwork and art style ~thanks, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) from Creative Everyday.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

So much expressiveness here! What a lovely job!

I am grateful I found you via Creative Every Day 2011 today!

Unknown said...

Congrats - what a lovely piece. Very stunning.

Sarah's Imagination said...

Awesome, great style!

AHAviews said...

Playful wolves create a great pattern to dance the eyes across the image. I especially enjoy the fellow caught up in the title. Nice work.

vivienne strauss said...

Beautiful! I just love this!!!