Dec 24, 2013

Fairytale cardboxes of Sara Fanelli

The postman just brought a very nice package:
Two fairytale cardboxes of one of my favorite illustrators: Sara Fanelli.

One Cinderella box and one of Pinokkio.
Both 18 cards which make six illustrations together
Also a little booklet and stamps, all in these nice little boxes.

Last week I was looking for them.
I saw they were available in the library of Rotterdam.
But you can't borrow them, they save them in a special collection.
I asked if I could see them and that was possible.

Two ladies of the library and a security guard walked with me to a special room.
It was locked. I had to wait outside, the cards became more and more special
and mysterious in this way. They brought me the box of Cinderella
and kept waiting while I was looking. So I had a very quick look
and the cards were locked up again.

That evening I found the cards on Markplaats, a Dutch second hand market on internet.
And now I have these 'secret cards' in my home :-)


Hannes said...

wat leuk dat je die moeite deed, lijken me mooie kaarten.

bklopst said...

ooo, i have been looking for them for ages!!!
lucky you!!!!