Dancing Cat Art School Six weeks of drawing animals :-)
the first assignment: Animals in Observation.
To warm up we've made some blind contour drawings.
(Quick drawings without looking on your paper)
We had to choose an animal to draw from real life
or from photographs you've taken. I chose the marabou.
It's one of my favorite birds, I always visit them
when I go to the ZOO
I have drawn the marabous in many different techniques:
pen and ink, with photoshop, charcoal and eraser, pastels....

And below the marabou in an environment, I began with a marker pen and ink, with photoshop, charcoal and eraser, pastels....

and pastel on a cardboard and finished it in photoshop:
After a week of drawing marabous I love these birds even more.
I love their postures. They look a bit like old aunties or old men.
For me they are beautiful, very characteristic!
Birds, birds,.....and more birds!!!! Good sketches, they (the birds) are great!!!
een goeie keus de maribu,
de tantes lijken me een lust voor de illustrator
je tekeningen zijn prachtig en ik zou zeggen: eerste week geslaagd
welke reacties kreeg je uit het klasje en/ of docent?
Plaatje 3 vind ik super treffend deze arme vogel wordt vaak overgeslagen in de dierentuin. Vanwege z'n uiterlijk. Ik vind 'm prachtig met die gekke kalende kop.
@art is jokken: thanks!
@johbont 'k had nog maar 1 reactie en die was positief :-)
@Anja Brunt ik vind ook zijn 'lelijke' uiterlijk juist extra aantrekkelijk :-)
Hi Nelleke!!!!
I like all this drawings (a lot, obviously) but my favorite is "one day i'll..." beautiful! Really!!!
They are very characteristic! Fantastic work!
Ik vind ze super! vooral die in zwart-wit, echt geweldig. En zelfs die je hebt gemaakt met je ogen dicht, vind ik super treffend, ze krijgen iets triest.
yes they are so beautiful indeed. i love how you have tried drawing them with different mediums and how they take on a different personality each time...
this course sounds great actually :)
xo sandra
Nice piece Nelleke. Haha, they do look a bit old... and they also look like they have their hands in pockets - like they have something to hide...
Happy Weekend, Ev
I LOVE this series--the last one, in particular. The postures are great--so expressive and I absolutely love the colors!!! :)
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