May 4, 2014

Rocking Rooster zipper pouch

I almost can't  believe it! This is the last assignment of the e-course Make Art That Sells. with Lilla Rogers. Time flies when you are having fun :-)

This week was all about the gift market. A huge market including all kinds of gifts: zipper pouches,  buttons, dolls, magnets, notebooks, puzzles, i-phone cases etc etc. So a fun market! Here is my design for a zipper pouch. Rocking Rooster.What do you think of it?

As always the week started with a mini assignment. We were asked to make photographs and /or drawings of things we collect.

I gathered some dolls and puppets I have. I wasn't aware this was a collection, but when I had put them all together it looked like one.

I posted the photo in our facebook group. And the rooster was immediately popular. I like him a lot too. He can sit on a shelf and bend his legs. After this week I love him even more :-)

Another collection I found were my musical instruments. They are still left from the time I was a  theater performer. I used to play the accordion and I had quite a few of them, but now I have only these two left.

I thought this could be a fun theme for an illustration: a rooster and music. One of my classmates said, when she saw my doll collection: "your rooster rocks!". I thought this could be  a fun title of my work: Rocking Rooster! I love alliteration :-)

I began drawing some musical instruments and roosters. Here are some drawings I made of the Rocking Rooster. Does he rock or does he rock? ;-)

In the meantime we got our assignment. It should be a hyper lush zipper pouch. Full with ornaments, icons, attributes and lots of stuff. Not so easy to get that organized.

I'm more a 'less is more' person. So this was quite a challenge. I played with various triangle shapes, different roosters and also other birds. But it was too messy.
Here you can see some work in progress:

After many hours of puzzling I came to my final design. Maybe it wasn't that 'lushy' as we were asked to do, but for me it was 'lushy' enough. This assignment helped me to work on the integration of the fore- and background. A very interesting point which I want to develop more.

After that I had to make the illustration fit onto a zipper pouch. How to present your work is also part of the assignment. I drew a zipper pouch and added a red background. Quite daring for me. I like it, but I think the product isn't very clear like this. I changed it and put it on a paper background. (see the first image of this post)

I had fun to fit the Rocking Rooster also on a i-phone case. What do you think?

Now we have come to the end of a fantastic course! Full with inspiration and information. Lilla Rogers is a great, inspiring and very positive teacherI  It was good to 'meet' so many talented and supportive people. I'm really enthusiatic and have learned a lot. But I'm also aware that I need and want to learn SO much more.

Because of that I decided to continue! I signed up for what they called 'Bootcamp'. We only get one assignment per month, so it's much more relaxed. And I'm gonna digest what I've learned so far. So I'm very happy to say again: will be continued.... :-))))


Sophie Dufresne said...

Wonderful post Nelleke! Love your rocking roosters, they make me happy, laughing and smiling at the same time. I don't think your first pouch was too messy ;) But I know the feeling, it's scary to add that much stuff to one piece, haha. Really like your pouch, and very cute presentation. Can I buy your iPhone case?? :) :)

Unknown said...

een feestelijk eindproduct, het zou een boerderijserie kunnen zijn en in productie op de koelkastmagneet tot en met het stukje stuf.
weer een interessante beschrijving van het werkproces, leuk die opdracht van het bijeenvergaren van verzamelingen.

Fijn dat je enthousiast bent, je lijkt zin te hebben markt te veroveren met allerlei producten: ben benieuwd!

Genna Byrne said...

Really really love your rocking roosters, I think you did a fab job for the project!