Feb 11, 2011

IF: sweater

illustration friday: sweater


parisa mahmoudi said...

I like it so much! :)

Anonymous said...

Good drawing. Nice work!!!

prettylittlethieves said...

lovely illustration!

johbont said...

nieuw ?
hij prikt en zit krap
werkelijk het zit voor geen meter
schraal wordt ik ervan

Kat Sloma said...

Coming over from CED, I love how you captured the position of her body! It just feels dynamic.

LuTi said...

I do not like this drawing. No, actually I do not like the person on the picture. (The drawing is of course good!!) But that person is not nice one. Probably childhood trauma. She reminds me strongly one teacher from many years ago. She was actually a devil. A kind of wolf in the sheepskin...
By coincidence your other face from A face a Day reminded me just a very kind (and sweet) teacher from my early childhood...