Ilustrarte 2016 exhibition in Lisbon / Portugal next January!
This Summer they asked people all over the world to send in their work, so they could make a selection. Over 1700 people from 72 countries did sent in work.
And I was one of them...
Although I didn't think I would have much chance, but I wanted to give it a try.
You never know.... Nothing ventured, nothing gained....
And I am so glad I did, because some time ago I openend an e-mail with congratulations: my work was chosen for the exhibition and the catalogue. Can you imagine how happy I was?
See here the winner, the special mentions and the list of selected illustrators.
I did sent in three giclee prints of some illustrations I made for the big haikubook
'Stil verwateren' in the beginning of this year. I also did send the big haikubook with 1001 haiku's and 71 illustrations.

The organizers of the festival also asked for a translation of the title 'Stil verwateren'.
That is not easy, because it's a poëtic title with various meanings.
On de Facebook page of author Geert De Kockere we asked his fans to help. It was so nice to get all this support! Interesting suggestions were given.
I also asked a friend and ex-collegue, a native speaker, who lives in Holland for help. And between his suggestions was: Soluble Silence. That directly spoke to me. The author made it into 'In Soluble Silence' and we did have an english translation ;-)
In January the exhibition will take place in the Electricity Musem. The opening is on the 21th of January. We are planning to go there, because I love to see it. I think it will be a great experience with lots of great work to see and nice people to meet! And of course to visit Lisbon. Seems like a good start of the year.